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Testing at Cornell Elementary

The following timeline shows when water was tested at Cornell and when results were received:

opm air timeline (1).png


The Ingham County Health Department clarified when to seek a blood lead test for your student if you would like to have them tested.


“A blood lead test can tell if a person has had recent or ongoing exposures to lead. While the lead in the body will decrease gradually after exposure stops, those who have concerns regarding recent or ongoing lead exposure should receive a blood lead test.” 


Our communications reflect the guidance we received from the environmental health and childhood lead experts at the health department and from the environmental testing company ERG. We continue to share and seek feedback on our communications with them throughout the process. As a district, we recognize where our expertise ends and where we need their support.


Click the ICHD communication button above or click here to read more information on timing and type of blood lead testing, handwashing, and more.

2024 Testing

March 2024: As part of the district wide testing plan, Environmental Resources Group sampled 15 areas for lead and other contaminants in the water. Nine areas tested undetectable, while the remaining six tested under the districts action level of 5 ppb - although the goal will always be no detectable lead.


March 14, 2024

Health Room Sink, 1st draw (Main Office) = 2 ppb

Health Room Sink, 2nd draw (Main Office) = 2 ppb

Cafeteria Middle Sink = 3 ppb

Bottle Filler Across From Staff Break Room = undetected

Bottle Fille Near Hixon's Classroom = undetected

Bottle Filler Between Restrooms Across From Library = undetected

Classroom: Hixon = undetected

Classroom: Dykemon, 1st draw = undetected

Classroom: Dykemon, 2nd draw = undetected

Classroom: Fesko = undetected

Classroom: Pignataro = undetected

Classroom: Nahat = 2 ppb

Classroom: Petersburg = 2 ppb

Classroom: Malkus  = undetected

Classroom: Coy = 1 ppb

2016 Testing

May 2016Triterra conducted a strategic sampling of water at Cornell Elementary. The test included six areas in the building. Five areas had no amounts of lead. One tested at the Filter First action limit of 5 ppb.


May 4, 2016

Room 12 (steel sink bubbler) = undetected

Room 19 (steel sink bubbler) = undetected

Room 28 (steel sink bubbler) = undetected

Office near water service (steel sink) = undetected

Central hallway (steel fountain) = undetected

Kitchen (steel sink) = 5 ppb

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