Environmental Testing
Okemos Public Schools
At Okemos Public Schools, ensuring the safety of our district's students, staff, and environment is paramount. We are taking proactive measures to guarantee transparency and accountability through this website, sharing environmental testing results, including past tests and additional resources. These tests involve a rigorous examination of the health of our buildings.
As we continue district wide testing in 2024, we will share the testing plan, results, and lab reports for each school.
Please note, for security purposes, maps of schools will not be included on the website. If you have further questions please contact the Operations Department.
The Ingham County Health Department clarified when to seek a blood lead test for your student if you would like to have them tested.
“A blood lead test can tell if a person has had recent or ongoing exposures to lead. While the lead in the body will decrease gradually after exposure stops, those who have concerns regarding recent or ongoing lead exposure should receive a blood lead test.”
Our communications reflect the guidance we received from the environmental health and childhood lead experts at the health department and from the environmental testing company ERG. We continue to share and seek feedback on our communications with them throughout the process. As a district, we recognize where our expertise ends and where we need their support.
Click the ICHD communication button above or click here to read more information on timing and type of blood lead testing, handwashing, and more.
AIR QUALITY & MOLD TESTING: On September 23, 2024, Environmental Resources Group conducted Asbestos and Paint Sampling at Okemos Public Montessori at Central. Results are now posted on the OPM page.